Yes, we know; the end of Steve Carell's stint on "The Office" (April 28) doesn't mean the end of the series. It will continue with a new boss, and the search for a replacement is already underway (at least in theory) with guest star Will Ferrell currently playing a grinning despot who casts a vague chill over the place. But this is a milestone in the history of the series -- and, as I have argued, a good moment to have canceled the show altogether. With that in mind, I'm counting down the top 10 episodes of "The Office." Please add your own in the Letters section, be sure to cc your department heads.
What was the best episode of "The Office"?
Slide show: As Steve Carell's exit looms, we count down the most brilliant moments of NBC's workplace comedy
Published April 22, 2011 11:30PM (EDT)
