Ted Cruz gets confused by a BuzzFeed post

Cruz cited a post by the Heritage Foundation as proof that "the left-wing site" BuzzFeed turned on Obamacare

Published August 5, 2013 9:40PM (EDT)

Sen. Ted Cruz cited a post on BuzzFeed -- posted by a Community contributor from the Heritage Foundation -- as proof that even the "left-wing" site has turned on Obamacare.

"BuzzFeed, the left-wing site — y’all know BuzzFeed?" he asked during a Q&A at last week's RedState convention, the Washington Examiner reports. “Yesterday they did a whole series of graphic pictures basically showing, 'I was promised one thing on Obamacare and here is what I’m left with.'"

“Look, when BuzzFeed is turning on him, this thing ain’t working,” Cruz added.

The post, called "That One Time I Was Really, Really Excited About Obamacare: Until I realized everything I thought about Obamacare was totally wrong," used a number of GIFs in an attempt to illustrate dissatisfaction with the law.

The post was created by a Heritage Foundation contributor to the Community vertical on BuzzFeed. As Nieman Journalism Lab describes, anyone can join BuzzFeed Community for free, as "a content-producing vertical of its very own, complete with featured posts by community members and a leaderboard with the latest on whose posts are getting the most traffic, likes, comments, and badges. It’s a competitive place, and anyone can join and enter the fray."


By Jillian Rayfield

Jillian Rayfield is an Assistant News Editor for Salon, focusing on politics. Follow her on Twitter at @jillrayfield or email her at jrayfield@salon.com.

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