Study: Your parents (and grandparents) may be sexting

New research suggests that among 50-75-year-olds, 24 percent have sent intimate photos electronically

Published October 24, 2013 12:45PM (EDT)

This article originally appeared on PolicyMic.

Sexting is now a real thing amongst baby boomers. That's right, millennials. You're not the only ones sending nude selfies to each other.

The Futures Company conducted a survey that found among 50-75 year olds, 24% have sent personal or intimate photos and messages by text, email, or photo over social media. Twenty-four percent! And that number assumes all sexting baby boomers questioned were willing to answer truthfully.

Another surprising new survey on the use of social media from the security tech company McAfee shows some alarming trends. Four out of five adults aged 50-75 are regularly active on social media networks. The majority of them use Facebook to do things like reconnect with old friends, and stay in touch with their children and grandchildren.

While teens and young adults aren't the only ones who want to stay social online, baby boomers are still having the same experiences as younger users. Fifteen percent of those questioned say they have had a negative experience while using social media, and more than 50% say they have shared some personal information online despite being aware of the security risks. This leaves older users, often are less tech-savvy than millennials, more vulnerable to identity theft and other scams that target seniors.


Looks like Anthony Weiner isn't the only one who needs a talking to about being too frivolous on the internet.

By Alexander de Avila

MORE FROM Alexander de Avila

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