Lending his support to Apple CEO Tim Cook (and, more likely than not, hoping to benefit from some of the positive attention he's been getting), Virgin chairman and founder Sir Richard Branson proclaimed that businesses should all stand up to climate deniers.
"Enormously impressed with Apple CEO Tim Cook for his strong words on climate change deniers, and demanding business should have benefits for people and the planet, beyond just profit," Branson wrote on his blog.
At Apple's annual shareholder meeting, Cook professed that “we do a lot of things for reasons besides profit motive" and "we want to leave the world better than we found it." Branson agreed, writing "this goes for Virgin too, and should go for every single organization in the world."
"More businesses should be following Apple's stance in encouraging more investment in sustainability," he continued. "While Tim told sustainability skeptics to 'get out of our stock', I would urge climate change deniers to get out of our way."