- Halloween was originally titled The Babysitter Murders
- The Village was originally called The Woods
- Unforgiven has the working title of The Cut-Whore Killings
- 2009’s Star Trek had the original working title of Corporate Headquarters.
- Not Another Teen Movie was originally called Ten Things I Hate About Clueless Road Trips When I Can’t Hardly Wait to Be Kissed
- The working title for Field of Dreams was Shoeless Joe
- The original title for Annie Hall was It Had to Be Jew
- Alien worked under the title Star Beasts
- The original title for Psycho was Wimpy
- The Dark Knight used the working title Rory’s First Kiss to elude fanboys.
- Likewise, The Return of the Jedi worked under the title Blue Harvest for the same reason.
- Bring it On was originally titled, Jump.
- Strangely, Cloverfield was originally called Cheese
- Clockwork Orange was originally titled Chocolate Orange
- Casablanca was originally called Everybody Comes to Rick’s
- Hitch was originally titled The Last First Kiss
- Dogma was originally titled Bearclaw
- Saturday Night Fever was originally called The Tribal Rites of the New Saturday Night
- Some Like It Hot was originally called Not Tonight Josephine
- Scream was originally titled Scary Movie
- Stepmom was originally titled Good Night Moon
- Titanic was originally called The Ship of Dreams
- Pretty Woman was originally called 3000
- The hilariously accurate working title for American Pie was Teenage Sex Comedy That Can Be Made For Under $10 Million That Your Reader Will Love But The Executive Will Hate
24 famous movies that were almost called something completely different
Would "Annie Hall" still have felt like such a classic if it had been titled "It Had To Be Jew"?
Published April 8, 2014 2:30PM (EDT)
This piece originally appeared on Pajiba.
By Dustin Rowles
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