In Texas, pot brownies can get you life in prison

A 19-year-old in Round Rock, Texas could be a first-degree felon because his recipe includes hash oil

Published May 20, 2014 10:03PM (EDT)

The drug war may be a lost cause in the minds and hearts of most Americans, but in the Lone Star State it remains very much alive.

A Texas man, Jacob Lavoro, 19, is facing up to life in prison if convicted for making and selling marijuana brownies. He has no prior convictions. Yet, officials in Round Rock have charged him with a first-degree felony because the recipe included hash oil. Texas law allows prosecutors to use the sugar, cocoa, butter and other ingredients to determine the weight of the drugs.

“It’s outrageous. It’s crazy. I don’t understand it,” Jacobs father, Joe Lavoro, said. “This is illogical. I’m really upset, and I’m frightened, I’m frightened for my son.”

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By Ian Blair

Ian Blair is a writer living in New York City. Follow him on Twitter: @i2theb.


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