WATCH: Pussy Riot takes on Donald Trump in new music video for "Make America great again"

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin have something else in common: Pussy Riot hates them

Published October 27, 2016 5:45PM (EDT)

 (Screengrab via YouTube)
(Screengrab via YouTube)

Donald Trump’s admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin is well-known, but soon he and the despot may share something else — a deep antipathy from the Russian feminist punk art collective known Pussy Riot.

In their NSFW new music video, “Make America great again,” Pussy Riot depicts a dystopian future in which Trump has been elected president.

The video intercuts clips from Trump’s speeches with images of women being branded with labels like “Outsider,” “Fat pig,” “Pervert,” and “She made an abortion.” In this universe, anti-Trump dissidence is brutally repressed, Muslims and Mexicans have been banned from coming into the United States, the prisons are filled to the brim, and having small breasts is a crime punishable by mandatory augmentation.

Here is a sample of the lyrics, to give you an idea:

Could you imagine a politician
Calling a woman a dog?
Do you wanna stay in the kitchen?
Is that where you belong?
How do you picture the perfect leader
Who do you want him to be
Has he promoted the use of torture and killing families

Pussy Riot made international headlines when they were arrested in February 2012 for a performance at Moscow’s main Russian Orthodox cathedral protesting the church’s support for Putin’s reelection.

Their incarceration was met with widespread outrage from critics who characterized it as yet another sign of Putin cracking down on basic civil liberties. They were released in December 2013 as part of a wider amnesty of prisoners by the Russian government, a move they characterized as motivated by a desire for good publicity prior to the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.

By Matthew Rozsa

Matthew Rozsa was a staff writer at Salon. He received a Master's Degree in History from Rutgers-Newark in 2012 and was awarded a science journalism fellowship from the Metcalf Institute in 2022.

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Donald Trump Make America Great Again Pussy Riot