April 28, 2011 Archive April 2011
"The Bully Project": why we need this film
Tribeca: Teen horniness -- in Norway!
Atlas sucks: Failing film producer vows to give up
Adults scarred by sex ed website
Should politicians appease conspiracy theorists?
The dumbest birther conspiracy theory of them all
What "The Cosby Show" taught me about America
Primer: Why release this birth certificate now?
The genius behind Radiohead's live shows
Raising kids in earthquake country
The futility of reasoning with crazy
A history of GOP birther appeasement
"13 Assassins": A new samurai action classic
Can the beloved William save the monarchy?
Newt and friends blame Obama for inventing, popularizing birtherism
A more militarized CIA for a more militarized America
Intense footage from the storm-battered South
Final "Harry Potter" trailer arrives as Emma Watson leaves school
Overnight poll: More than half of Republicans still unpersuaded Obama was born here
Natalie Portman's dad writes creepy "fertility thriller"
Why Beyonce's viral fitness campaign is doomed
Gloria Allred's press conference for baseball coach's gay slurs gets weird
When the GOP wanted a foreign-born president
Royal wedding proves media's top-down ways
The roots of birtherism go beyond race
Is the U.S. about to defund the Palestinians?
William and Kate: The big fat royal wedding cash-in
Am I wrong about the futility of airport security?