December 16, 2012 Archive December 2012
Gun Owners of America: Gun control advocates "have the blood of little children on their hands"
Michael Jackson's legacy is "Untouchable"
Newtown investigators: Still no note or motive
Peter Lanza: Suspect's father learned news from a reporter
ABC producer earns Internet's hate for tweeting at Newtown relatives
Adam Lanza adviser: Gunman a loner who did not feel pain
Lanza family to Newtown: We "express our heartfelt sorrow"
Shots fired at Southern California mall
9 signs the War on Drugs is almost over
Obama to speak at Newtown vigil
Lanza shot children multiple times with semiautomatic
Must-see morning clip: A rare, somber SNL opening
The cafeteria or the first-grade classrooms? "Lanza turned left"
Man arrested after firing shots outside California mall
Woman raped at gunpoint wins $1.5m payout from police
Feinstein to introduce assault weapons ban
Claims of vote-rigging in Egypt
Sunday show roundup: Gun defenders mum
Anonymous hits Westboro Baptist Church over Sandy Hook picket plans