Steve King: The Todd Akin of immigration
Found guilty of the worst bowel movement ever
Ku Klux Klan: Our neighborhood watch program is "not racist"
Embarrassing KTVU report allegedly started as an internal joke
Pop stars take over the art world
Woody Allen: Even more neurotic than you thought
Who we're at war with is classified
Mark Leibovich: "Washington is not a psychologically savvy city"
Big finance is strangling innovation
Haim: We would do anything Tom Petty asked
Russia aims to ban swear words on the web
America's food debates are just white men talking
Must Do’s: What we like this week
Robin Thicke's sexism isn't "blurry"
Why do Americans care about the boring royal baby?
The greatest Thomas Friedman takedown ever?
My pilgrimage to Wilson Pickett's grave
Mass murderers can be glamorous too
Arthur C. Clarke: Science fiction writers are accidental prophets
"The To Do List": Hollywood's first female sex comedy