The mood at BC '04: Not quite 'grim'

Published October 24, 2004 5:46PM (EDT)

Nine days to go before the election and safe to say we're all a little on edge. To read the Washington Post this morning, that includes Republican officials as they eye the polls in states where Bush needs a win. Bush aides may be cocky on the outside -- as Ed Gillespie was on Meet the Press this morning predicting a not-even-close Bush victory on Nov. 2 -- but some are nervous nellies on the inside. From the Post:

"GOP officials who talked to Bush-Cheney campaign leaders said the leaders have grown more worried about Ohio, Florida and other key states where Bush lacks a lead with just 10 days until the election. A poll by Ohio University's Scripps Survey Research Center, completed Thursday night, found Kerry leading 49 percent to 43 percent among registered voters, with a margin of error of five percentage points."

"Sen. Pete V. Domenici (R-N.M.), campaigning with Vice President Cheney in northwestern New Mexico, told the crowd that the GOP ticket will lose the state without a lopsided local victory in San Juan County, because of heavy Democratic activity elsewhere in the state. 'Without a huge margin in this county . . . we can't win this election,' he said."


"One Republican official described the mood at the top of the campaign as apprehensive. ''Grim' is too strong,' the official said. 'If we feel this way a week from now, that will be grim.'"

By Geraldine Sealey

Geraldine Sealey is senior news editor at

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