PS22 chorus covers the Smiths, owns this town

After performing at the Oscars and on "Oprah," Staten Island's public school singers continue their reign

Published May 12, 2011 11:20PM (EDT)

The PS22 chorus singing The Smith's.
The PS22 chorus singing The Smith's.

 Staten Island's public school system is sitting on a gold mine, what with PS22 having "the best-known elementary-school chorus on the planet." The PS22 chorus gained attention with YouTube videos, leading to performances with Lady Gaga, Passion Pit, Common, Kylie Minogue and Katy Perry. Yesterday, they released a video of their latest cover, the Smith's "Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want."


In case anyone was wondering how much power these kids wield, "American Idol" winner David Cook made a YouTube video today practically begging the kids to hang out with him.


The thing is, the PS22 chorus doesn't need David Cook. These kids have sung with Katy Perry on "Oprah." They've been invited to the White House. They've performed at the Oscars.  David Cook hasn't done any of that, so when he says he hopes the kids will help him sing a song, he's not being cute. He needs their voices and all the adorable publicity they bring to every performance.

If this trend continues, PS22 will have to begin turning down lesser stars, at which point I hope that the vetting process to sing with these kids starts resembling an episode of "The Voice" (but with less Christina Aguilera). The best celebrity musician wins the chance to sing with 10-year-olds, and all will make sense in the world.

By Drew Grant

Drew Grant is a staff writer for Salon. Follow her on Twitter at @videodrew.

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