Actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt ("Brick," "Mysterious Skin" and the upcoming "The Lookout"), who sat down with Salon's Andrew O'Hehir, maintains a very cool little Web site ( that includes some journal entries, correspondence and a nice collection of video shorts, including our favorite below. Here, Gordon-Levitt turns the tables on some marauding photographers who cornered him and a friend (the "La Dolce Vita" moment is a classic). After describing the event on his site, he writes, "I do believe that the myth of 'Celebrity' is not just innocently shallow entertainment, but a powerful and fundamental part of a larger movement revolving around greed, apathy and hierarchy that is currently dragging us down, down, down, lower and scarier, and perhaps weaker than we've ever, ever been. Smile!b
"Pictures of Assholes"
A gripping look at the paparazzi from the other side of the camera.
Published March 28, 2007 11:00AM (EDT)

By Kerry Lauerman
MORE FROM Kerry Lauerman