Tony Snow contrition

Toes were crossed!

Published December 15, 2006 10:42PM (EST)

We love it when someone is big enough to admit they're were wrong about something. It's especially interesting when that person is a White House staffer. Yesterday, press secretary Tony Snow formally apologized to NBC News' David Gregory for accusing him last week of trying to frame a question about the Iraq Study Group report "in a partisan way." We wonder if (read: who) told Snow he had to apologize? We particularly like this line from today's New York Times: "Mr. Gregory, for perhaps the first time, was nearly speechless. He uttered a simple, quiet thank you -- so quiet that the official transcript of the session makes no note of a reply." The apology clip is here:

And here's last week's riveting exchange:

By David Puner

MORE FROM David Puner

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