Roundup: The incredible identical quadruplets and more!

Elvis' ladies' underwear, 17th century beauty tips and other weekend news.

Published August 18, 2007 10:40AM (EDT)

A 35-year-old Canadian named Karen Jepp gave birth to identical quadruplet daughters last Sunday by C-section, according to the Associated Press. Conceived without fertility treatments, the four girls were delivered two months early. Autumn, Brooke, Calissa and Dahlia Jepp's birth weights ranged from 2.6 to 2.15 pounds. All four girls are in good health, and already breathing without ventilators. The odds of giving birth to identical quadruplets: 1 in 13 million.

If you're trying to lose weight, consider lubing up those extra pounds with goose grease and turpentine to melt that fat away. This, and other goofy 300-year-old beauty wisdom, from an advice manual dating from the 17th century that will be auctioned off next month, according to the Scotsman. Still, if you think that bromides in "The Ladies Dictionary: Being a General Entertainment for the Fair Sex" sound laughable, try to imagine what some of the advice being dished up to the ladies today will sound like in 2307.


Broadsheet public service announcement: Nursing mothers taking pain medication or cold medicine with codeine in it should watch their babies for signs of overdose, like increased sleepiness, according to the Associated Press. In some moms, the codeine can be rapidly converted into morphine, putting their infant at risk of an overdose, the Food and Drug Administration warns. Such rapid conversion is a rare side effect, but codeine is among the most common medications taken by new mothers.

A backup singer who used to date Elvis has this odd souvenir: scads of panties that other women threw onstage at the King, which Elvis then gave to her, according to CBSNews. Romantic!

Speaking of underwear -- or the lack thereof -- if you're wondering how exactly the paparazzi take those photos of panty-free starlets, TMZ has a pervy photo that offers an ugly clue.

By Katharine Mieszkowski

Katharine Mieszkowski is a senior writer for Salon.

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