Suffragist's home bought by anti-choice group

A member of Feminists for Life buys the birthplace of Susan B. Anthony.

Published August 7, 2006 6:21PM (EDT)

A Broadsheet reader forwarded us an email she received from Feminists For Life -- "I got on their mailing list to monitor their activities after it was revealed that Supreme Court Justice Roberts' wife has been actively involved with them," she assures us -- announcing the purchase of the Adams, Mass. birthplace of suffragist Susan B. Anthony by a member of its organization.

"While Feminists for Life of America will not own the house, the pro-life feminist organization will manage and care for the birthplace," according to the press release. "FFLs national office will remain in the Washington, D.C., area. A panel of experts will be assembled to determine the best use for the dwelling. Others who care about Susan B. Anthony will be provided a means to contribute ideas."

While FFL probably won't be canvassing Broadsheet readers for said ideas, let's hash some out anyway just for fun. The group claims they want to use the site to keep the memory of Susan B. Anthony alive" and "renew interest in the early American feminists." In what ways could they do that?


And here's another question I've been thinking about: If like me, you're entirely skeptical of a feminist organization that doesn't support the right to abortion, are there ways that women on both sides of the abortion debate can and should come together to champion other causes that are important to women?

By Lori Leibovich

Lori Leibovich is a contributing editor at Salon and the former editor of the Life section.

MORE FROM Lori Leibovich

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