I'm not joining in the hand-wringing about Rupert Murdoch's purchase of the Wall Street Journal; I try to do things on this blog that other people aren't. But I don't think this fact about Fox News has gotten enough attention today: Rudy Giuliani has gotten twice as much airtime on the conservative cable TV network as Sen. John McCain, and 25 percent more than Mitt Romney. This was in a New York Times piece Thursday examining Giuliani's friendship with Fox czar Roger Ailes. The fair and balanced Brit Hume says Ailes sits in on story meetings but has not tried to swing coverage to Giuliani. Interestingly, former Sen. Fred Thompson, whose meteoric non-candidacy suddenly seems stalled, has gotten almost as much airtime on Fox as Giuliani -- 101 minutes to Giuliani's 115 for the first half of 2007.
Ailes hearts Giuliani
And the former New York mayor has gotten twice as much airtime on Fox as John McCain. Coincidence?
By Joan Walsh
Published August 2, 2007 9:14PM (EDT)

By Joan Walsh
Joan Walsh is the author of "What's the Matter With White People: Finding Our Way in the Next America."
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