David Paterson's quote of the day

How is being the lieutenant governor of New York like attending a Jewish wedding?

Published March 17, 2008 9:42PM (EDT)

We've been thinking: Sure, this whole "Quote of the day" feature in War Room has had a good run. But now David Paterson (as of Monday afternoon, New York's new governor) is wiping everyone else off the page. Frankly, we're wondering whether it's even fair to subject the rest of the political world to comparison with Paterson, who is obviously the best politician ever.

On Thursday, asked whether he'd ever patronized a prostitute, Paterson responded, "Only the lobbyists." And Monday, during his inaugural speech, Paterson brought down the house with one joke poking fun at himself for his blindness and another at the expense of Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno, a Republican who'd had notorious run-ins with Paterson's predecessor and fellow Democrat, former Gov. Eliot Spitzer.

Without further ado, the excerpts from Paterson's speech, via the Huffington Post.


On his blindness:

I was gaveling in for the State of the State, and [Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver] had brought me in here to practice, so I didn't destroy anything, in our first year.

But in our second year, I told the Speaker, "Don't bother, I know how to do this." And apparently I was about to bring the gavel down on a glass. The Speaker, at the last second, grabbed the gavel away from me, and he told me, in his own inimitable way, as only Shelly can, "I would not allow you to turn the State of the State into a Jewish wedding."

On Bruno:

The other day we [Paterson and Bruno] had lunch, and he said, "Listen, some evening, if you feel like it, you should come out to the ranch and have dinner with me."

I'll go. But I'm gonna take my taster with me.

By Alex Koppelman

Alex Koppelman is a staff writer for Salon.

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