Salon Technology tracks the millennium bug

Published June 23, 1999 4:00PM (EDT)

Recent stories

Disaster perverted! By David Cassel

If you're disappointed that Y2K wasn't ushered in with calamity, take heart: Spoof sites revel in the year 1900. (01/07/00)

Way Too Calm By Fiona Morgan

All systems go as the world welcomes 2000 with a party, not a panic. (01/01/00)

Frequently asked questions to end the millennium By Scott Kirsner

Uncertainty surrounds a bug that could cause computers to confuse the year 2000 with 1900. This FAQ will do nothing to change that. (12/27/99)

What is the Y2K problem?


A glitch in time By Scott Rosenberg

The "millennium bug" isn't just a problem for programmers. Edward Yourdon, Y2K pessimist and author of "Time Bomb 2000," warns it could seriously screw up our economy and our lives.

Y2K warriors

Are we bug-free yet? By Patricia Ensworth

Biting their nails, crossing their fingers and watching the clock, Y2K software testers find themselves in an unfamiliar position at the center of attention. Would now be a good time to ask for a raise?

What Y2K does to people's heads


Y2Ka-ching! By John Whalen

Bring on the millennial disaster: "Crisis investors" expect to
make a killing on computer-glitch nightmares. We profile three of them. (06/03/99)

Lawyers, guns, money? By Janelle Brown

What to do? Pundits and tech industry insiders reveal their personal preparations for possible Y2K disaster. (02/08/99)

Millennium bugging out By Janelle Brown

Year 2000 survivalists, fearing digitally induced chaos, are
heading for the hills. We follow them and try to find out what's making them tick. (06/11/98)


The real Y2K bug By Paul Saffo

Your computer isn't what you should be worried about come Y2K -- the true threat lies with the wacko who lives down the street from you. (05/18/99)

Y2K, lesbian style By Susie Bright

Survivalist dykes say, "Let the meltdown begin!" (05/29/99)

The politics of Y2K

The millennium bug bill battle By Jake Tapper

In the legislative struggle over a Y2K liability law, the tech industry's Washington lobby tries to play both sides of the aisle. Is it being pragmatic -- or just naive? (04/30/99)

The world is ending -- Let's get to know our neighbors! By James Poniewozik

The Utne Reader's recommendation for dealing with a looming Y2K disaster? The book group to end all book groups. (01/05/99)

By the Salon Technology staff

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