Blue Glow

Salon's TV picks for
Weekend, Oct. 22-24, 1999

Published October 22, 1999 4:00PM (EDT)


On Now and Again (9 p.m. Fri., CBS), Michael learns that Lisa has put the house up for sale, so he leans on his former employer to pay her the insurance money she's been denied. Norm Macdonald hosts Saturday Night Live (11:30 p.m. Sat., NBC), with music from Snoop Dogg and Eminem. Now that the American League playoffs are over, Fox's Sunday night lineup is back in business with new episodes of King of the Hill (7:30 p.m. Sun., Fox) and The Simpsons (8 p.m. Sun., Fox), and a rerun of Futurama (8:30 p.m. Sun., Fox). On Felicity (8 p.m. Sun., WB), our heroine, on the rebound from Ben, agrees to be fixed up with her professor's son. On a two-hour episode of Any Day Now (8 p.m. Sun., Lifetime), M.E. (Annie Potts) confronts racism in her family's past. The X-Files (9 p.m. Sun., Fox) reruns an episode that sets up this season's Nov. 7 opener. Mulder is contacted by a biologist who claims to possess an artifact proving that human life began on Mars. Bobby's mentor (James Whitmore) defends himself in his murder trial on The Practice (10 p.m. Sun., ABC).

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In the new cable movie Evolution's Child (9 p.m. Fri., USA), a hotshot fertility expert (Ken Olin) artificially inseminates one of his patients with sperm from an ice-preserved Bronze Age man. The resulting child is, understandably, a little weird. The two-hour documentary Niagara: A History of the Falls (9 p.m. EDT/10 PDT Sat., A&E) chronicles the history of North America's greatest waterfall. The new cable movie In the Company of Spies (8 p.m. Sun., Showtime) stars Tom Berenger as a CIA agent leading a mission to rescue a spy captured by North Korea. Bruce "Nowhere Man" Greenwood plays an angel who falls in love with a widow (Melissa Gilbert) in the new (but seems old) TV movie The Soul Collector (9 p.m. Sun., CBS). A new BBC-A&E production of William Makepeace Thackeray's classic social satire Vanity Fair (8 p.m. EDT/9 PDT Sun., A&E) stars Natasha Little as Becky Sharp, a 19th century social climber trying to scheme her way into British high society against the backdrop of the Napoleonic Wars. Concludes Monday.

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World Series:

Yankees at Braves, Game 1 and 2 (7:30 p.m. Sat., Sun., NBC)


Bears at Buccaneers, Lions at Panthers, Saints at Giants, Eagles at Dolphins, 49ers at Vikings or Redskins at Cowboys (1 p.m. Sun., Fox)

Bengals at Colts, Browns at Rams or Broncos at Patriots (1 p.m. Sun., CBS)

Packers at Chargers (4 p.m. Sun., Fox)

Jets at Raiders or Bills at Seahawks (4 p.m. Sun., CBS)

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Rosie O'Donnell (syndicated) Luciano Pavarotti, Taye Diggs

David Letterman (CBS) Heather Locklear (rerun)

Jay Leno (NBC) Jennifer Love Hewitt, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy

Chris Rock (HBO) Ken Hamlin

Politically Incorrect (ABC) Chris Eigeman, Jerry O'Connell

Conan O'Brien (NBC) Gloria Estefan

By Joyce Millman

Joyce Millman is a writer living in the Bay Area.

MORE FROM Joyce Millman

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