Image Conscious

Send in photos, but not just the cute or the pretty, please.

Published June 7, 2000 7:55PM (EDT)

A month ago, we issued a call for photos for our new Image Conscious feature. We received many and would like to receive many more. But before sending a photo, please ask yourself if your photo tells a story. If it is mostly just a cute or pretty picture, we can't use it. If it is a photo that regales or engages us with the details of an interesting or strange or surprising moment, send it in. Please don't let it go without a caption, however.

Send photos via e-mail to Send photos in the mail to Mothersphotos, c/o Salon, 22 Fourth St., 16th floor; San Francisco, CA 94103. If you want your photo back, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope, please.

By Jennifer Foote Sweeney

Jennifer Foote Sweeney, CMT, formerly a Salon editor, is a massage therapist in northern California, practicing on staff at the Institutes for Health and Healing in San Francisco and Larkspur, and on the campuses of the Alta Bates Summit Medical Center in Berkeley.

MORE FROM Jennifer Foote Sweeney

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