Blue Glow

Salon's TV picks for Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2000

Published September 5, 2000 6:46PM (EDT)


Biography (8 p.m., A&E) continues "Batman Week" with a profile of Cesar Romero, who was the Joker long before Jack Nicholson put on the pancake makeup and lipstick. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (8 p.m., WB) reruns the one where Oz returns to find Willow otherwise engaged. Freaks and Geeks (8 p.m., Fox Family) has found a home on cable's Fox Family channel, which is running two consecutive episodes on Tuesdays. (The gig began last week with the pilot and the second episode.) The bad news is that they're reruns. The good news is that NBC preempted the series so many times that some episodes got lost in the shuffle, making these reruns first-run for a lot of us. There are also three genuine never-before-aired episodes coming up for fans to savor. On a rerun of Angel (9 p.m., WB), Buffy tracks Faith to Los Angeles, where she learns that Angel has taken the bad slayer under his wing.


The six-part series Robert Hughes' Australia: Beyond the Fatal Shore (9 p.m., PBS, check local times) prepares us for the Sydney Olympics with a long look at the land Down Under. Hughes, who chronicled the founding of his native country in the bestseller "The Fatal Shore," focuses on modern Australia this time, with emphasis on the national psyche and character.


Diamondbacks at Braves (7:35 p.m., TBS)

U.S. Open (11 a.m., 7:30 p.m., USA)


Rosie O'Donnell (syndicated) Jamie Foxx
David Letterman (CBS) Renie Zellweger
Jay Leno (NBC) Jamie Lee Curtis, Olympic pole-vaulter Stacey Dragila
Politically Incorrect (ABC) Bruce Vilanch, Jon Cryer
Conan O'Brien (NBC) Craig Ferguson
Craig Kilborn (CBS) Michael Boatman

By Joyce Millman

Joyce Millman is a writer living in the Bay Area.

MORE FROM Joyce Millman

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