The mama lion at the gate
Maternal chauvinism is a dad's greatest obstacle to parental parity.
By Cathy Young
Common Scents
From her "One Hundred Demons" series.
By Lynda Barry
Richard knows best
The naked schemer of "Survivor" answers to child abuse charges -- with a confession.
By Beth Broeker
My spawn arrives!
In the third installment of his lesbian sperm donor saga, Hank Pellissier describes the arrivals of his two babies -- born 21 days apart.
By Hank Pellissier
Hustling hormones
I scored black market drugs to get my ovaries high -- and mighty.
By Carol Mithers
Different hero, different war
John McCain's first wife won't say a harsh word about the man who dumped her. Is she a spineless wimp or a quiet hero?
By Jennifer Foote Sweeney
Knocked up like me
What's cooler than being a middle-class teenage mother? Having a TV show all about you.
By Amy Benfer
While you are gone
I drink lots of coffee, keep my clothes on, talk to ghosts.
By Stephen J. Lyons
Deranged marriage
When the match didn't take, I wound up with Merle Haggard.
By Sridhar Pappu
I miss lesbian reproductive sex
Little purple sticks, big metal tanks and doing it whether we wanted to or not -- now that's hot.
By Laurie Essig