Blue Glow

Salon's TV picks for Thursday, Feb. 1, 2001

Published February 1, 2001 6:33PM (EST)


Survivor: The Australian Outback (8 p.m., CBS) moves to its regular time slot. It competes with a 40-minute "supersize" episode of Friends (8 p.m., NBC), with a guest appearance by Jason Alexander, and 20 minutes of live skits from a ready-for-prime-time Saturday Night Live (8:40 p.m., NBC). This is war! On Will & Grace (9 p.m., NBC), Will works up the nerve to ask cute sportscaster Matt (Patrick Dempsey) for a date. The real winner in the "Survivor"-NBC battle may be CSI (9 p.m., CBS), CBS's new drama about Las Vegas crime scene investigators, which moves to this potentially cushy post-"Survivor" slot. On ER (10 p.m., NBC), Greene still shows the aftereffects of brain surgery, a sweatshop fire fills the ER with injured illegal immigrants and Weaver and Legaspi take it to the next level.


How does Fox compete with "Survivor"? As only Fox can, with Surviving the Moment of Impact (8 p.m., Fox), a cheesy reality special made up of videotapes of actual plane and car crashes and other disasters, followed by Reality's Funniest Outtakes (9 p.m., Fox), bloopers from shows like "Jerry Springer," "The Real World" and MTV's "Jackass." Man, I don't even want to know what a "Jackass" blooper looks like.


76ers at Knicks (8 p.m., TNT)


Rosie O'Donnell (syndicated) Patricia Heaton
David Letterman (CBS) Keanu Reeves, Tony Siragusa
Jay Leno (NBC) Brad Pitt, Beck
Politically Incorrect (ABC) Bridgette Wilson-Sampras, Tavis Smiley
Conan O'Brien (NBC) Dolly Parton, Donal Logue
Craig Kilborn (CBS) They Might Be Giants

All times Eastern unless noted.

By Joyce Millman

Joyce Millman is a writer living in the Bay Area.

MORE FROM Joyce Millman

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