McCartney's gal sucks air from room!

Heather Mills, please get over yourself; the Jolie-Voight vortex spins out of control; Britney sprains tongue. Plus: Zeta-Jones turns down underwear offer!

Published August 5, 2002 4:41PM (EDT)

OK. Now I'm really starting to get why everyone from Beatles fans to tabloid journalists to Paul McCartney's daughter Stella is irritated by Heather Mills.

She's irritating.

Witness a recent interview Mills did with the British magazine Prima.

"Psychologically, I feel on an equal level with Paul. There are a million reasons why I love him, but the main one is that I'm with someone who is totally secure in who he is and doesn't resent my work," Mills mewls. "We're together seven days a week. We sit down and go through our diaries together each month and we don't do anything if it takes us away from each other."

Her relationship with the former Beatle differs from her past relationships, she says, because he supports her land-mine charity work.

"Paul fell in love with who I am, and he wouldn't try to change me," she says. "Just as I wouldn't dream of telling him to stop singing and painting and touring, he wouldn't try to stop my charity work. This is what my life is about."

In the past, she tells the magazine, "Men fall in love with who I am. But then they end up resenting my charity work because I can't help giving myself totally to anything or anyone who's in need. One of them said that when I go off to a war zone, they feel inadequate staying at home."

And they're not the only ones she thinks she makes feel inadequate.

Those McCartney fans who think she's icky?

"Even now, they're jealous that I'm with everyone's favorite Beatle."

Yeah, that must be it.

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They didn't call her the most articulate celebrity

"It's very flattering to be called that. They told me that about a week ago and I was like, 'What, me? Okay, this is cool!' I was very happy. "

-- Britney Spears on how, like, cool it felt to be named the most powerful celebrity by Forbes magazine, to CNN.

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Now we see where she gets it

Angelina Jolie really is the gift that keeps on giving, gossipwise.

Just when we were all starting to worry about what life would be like without a steady diet of bizarre disclosures about her weird relationship with Billy Bob Thornton, she gives us another weird relationship to wonder about: her strained dealings with her loose-lipped actor pops, Jon Voight.

Last week, Voight went on TV to plea ever so publicly for his daughter's elusive affections.

"I've had difficulty reaching her," Voight said of Jolie during an appearance on E! News Live. "She's been staying away from me because she knows I've been trying to reach her to get help."

And during an appearance on "Access Hollywood," Voight explained that he was worried about his daughter's fragile emotional state.

"I haven't come forward and addressed the serious mental problems she has spoken about so candidly to the press over the years, but I've tried behind the scenes in every way," he said. "They're very serious symptoms of real problems."

Though Jolie and Voight had apparently reconciled during the filming of "Tomb Raider," in which he played her father, the two have not been in touch in some time, he says.

And if the rift came about after Voight prematurely blabbed news of his daughter's decision to adopt a little boy from Cambodia, whom he says he has never seen, he's certainly not trying to win himself any points by staying silent about her life now.

Of Jolie's recently deflated relationship with Thornton, Voight says, "I never had the feeling that they were going to make it, because of both of their serious problems ... so I never really held out any hope."

Jolie, for her part, isn't holding out much hope of a resolution with her publicly blubbering pops.

"I don't want to make public the reasons for my bad relationship with my father," she told the press. "I will only say that like every child, [my brother, Jamie] and I would have loved to have had a warm and loving relationship with our dad. After all these years, I have determined that it is not healthy for me to be around my father, especially now that I am responsible for my own child."

I don't know about you, but it's that last line that scares me.

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Prince of Darkness blacks out?

"After attending his wife Sharon's first chemotherapy treatment, he nearly passed out and had to be taken to a recovery room. Sharon now realizes that Ozzy is better off on the road so she's shipped him back out to finish OZZfest."

-- An Osbourne family spokesperson on Ozzy's delicate constitution, in a statement to the press.

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Juicy bits

An innocent man? "Ed" star Josh Randall insists that he was not smoking crack with a homeless man the other night in Brooklyn, as police claim, but rather a victim of a profound misunderstanding. "I didn't do anything illegal. The charges are totally unfounded," Randall told the court at his arraignment for drug possession last week, the New York Post reports. Randall's lawyer insists his client was lost and merely asking for directions to the bus and that the $20 he gave the homeless fellow was just a kind gesture. Right, well, I suppose anything's possible.

You've just missed your chance to see Catherine Zeta-Jones in her skivvies. According to the U.K. tabs, the actress has turned down a $25 million offer to become the spokesbody for Victoria's Secret onaccounta her hubby got a little possessive. "Michael Douglas couldn't stand the thought of guys running to their mailbox each month to catch a glimpse of his wife," a "fashion insider" told Douglas reportedly gave his wife a diamond Celtic cross to make it all up to her. That must be some Celtic cross ...

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Miss something? Read yesterday's Nothing Personal.

By Amy Reiter

MORE FROM Amy Reiter

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