The Fix

Bloomberg wants J.Lo, everyone wants Ricky Martin, and the director of "The Matrix" wants a dominatrix. Plus: Rolling Stone to be a dad again!

Published May 20, 2003 7:40PM (EDT)

In our ongoing monitoring of New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg's mouth, the latest issuance therefrom was an admission -- Freudian or not -- that the one "I really want to have" is J.Lo. The blurt came after a radio talk show host asked the mayor back when singer Ricky Martin was to appear, noting it could help with the Puerto Rican vote. Sorry, Mike, we think J.Lo is busy with a guy named Ben these days. (N.Y. Daily News)

Speaking of Ricky Martin, there is a quote of his in the N.Y. Times today that is worthy of Rick Santorum, except cuter. The former Menudo boy star who had such a huge hit a couple of years ago with "Living La Vida Loca," and then went AWOL for awhile, is back with a new Spanish language album. He's doing interviews and is quite open about everything except his sexuality. When asked why he thinks people are so interested in what team he's on he says, "They all want me, boys, girls, men, women, dogs, cats -- they all want to have sex with Ricky." No, Ricky, Mike Bloomberg wants J.Lo. (N.Y. Times)

We hear the director of "The Matrix," Larry Wachowski, is being accused of dominatrix stealing. Seems dom queen Karin Winslow has a hubby, Jake Miller, who's a bit ticked that his wife showed up with Wachowski and Keanu Reeves at an L.A. premiere of the film and that she spends a lot of time away from home and on movie sets. He also says the director favors dressing like Marilyn Monroe in blond wig, pink dresses and stiletto heels but that "as the director of a hit like 'The Matrix' you can get away with anything." Well, as an alert colleague here pointed out, Wachowski did make a movie in 1996 called "Bound" about a lesbian relationship and the cover art on the video shows Jennifer Tilly and Gina Gershon tied up together. Hmm ... we think Keanu would look great in a blond wig. (N.Y. Post)

What is Cannes without that special, alluring, Riviera version of T&A? We hadn't seen much, but now, to the rescue comes Czech-born former Wonderbra model Eva Herzigova in a spider web-like dress and high heels attending the screening of Nicole Kidman's latest film "Dogville." It's good to know that some traditions are still alive. (Ananova)

The Rolling Stones should donate their bodies to science. Bassist Bill Wyman, age 66, is going to be a dad again. His wife is expecting their fourth child, and he has a 37-year-old son from a former marriage. Bill's comment on his impending dadhood: "I'm not shooting blanks and I'm young for my age, so why not?" Why not, indeed. (WENN)

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By Karen Croft

Karen Croft is the editor of Salon Sex.

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