Dear Salon Reader:
Since the launch of Salon Premium over two years ago, we've fought to keep our annual subscriptions at the low charter rates of $30 and $18.50. We did so, in part, to try to reward those of you who demonstrated your loyalty to Salon with your early subscriptions, and because we recognized that the recession made finances tight for many of our readers.
But now, more than two years have passed, and we're offering subscribers much more for their money. On Aug. 1, we'll be raising the price of our two annual subscription plans to $35 and $22.50. Monthly subscriptions will remain $6 per month. Our price increases mean that Salon is still a great value, especially when you consider all the extra benefits of a Premium subscription -- including magazine subscriptions, audiobooks and access to Salon on your PDA or wireless device.
You can still lock in at the lower charter rates if you subscribe today.
By subscribing now you'll also be "grandfathered" into today's lower rates for the life of your uninterrupted subscription. Just click here to subscribe for just $30 or $18.50 for an entire year.
If you're among our current 67,000 subscribers, fear not.
In recognition of those early adopters who have been our most loyal and avid readers we're keeping subscription prices the same for the rest of your uninterrupted subscription. When you renew, it will continue to be at your current $30 or $18.50 rate, assuming you don't let your subscription expire.
Hurry. Time is indeed money. If you've been meaning to subscribe and support independent journalism but just haven't gotten around to it, do it today and save some money in the process. Click here to subscribe.
Best Regards,
Michael O'Donnell
CEO, Salon Media Group