The Fix

Stylist to the stars behind bars, Jon Stewart tells it like it is -- once again -- and Cameron Diaz gets zits! Plus: Will Baryshnikov replace Big?

Published September 22, 2003 2:36PM (EDT)

I've been away from the Fix for a week and was blithely ignoring Bennifer the whole time. I hear they split up. What a shocker. I spent some time in Manhattan and had only one star sighting, but it was a good one. I saw the fabulous Frances McDormand at the corner of Fifth and 55th, chatting with a friend. I didn't overhear what she was saying, but she looked like the kind of gal you'd want to have lunch with. Call me, Fran.

Amazing story in the N.Y. Times yesterday, about stylist extraordinaire Derek Khan who counted Pink, Chelsea Clinton and P. Diddy among his friends and clients. Turns out he was a bit on the slick side -- borrowing jewels worth millions from Harry Winston and others and then, when times got tight, pawning them for cash. He's now in prison, and laments the lack of concierge service, saying the soap is "disgusting" and "You've always got to look over your shoulder." He says the food is horrible and that he dreams of "crème brûlée and chicken." Look for this guy to have his own TV show as soon as he gets out of the slammer. They can call it "Beyond Chutzpah." (N.Y. Times)


Our own brilliant TV reporter points out that Jon Stewart's sendup of Fox News' sensationalistic coverage of the war was a high point of the Emmy show. As he told the audience, the original music and footage was not enhanced in any way -- it was really that offensive. But he did so on Fox! Guess they were proud of the production values. Thank God for Jon, once again.

Poor Cameron Diaz -- not only is her relationship with Justin Timberlake shaky, we now hear that she gets zits (horror of horrors!). And, to add insult to inflammation, the rumor is that she was the inspiration for the ditzy blonde in Sofia Coppola's latest flick, "Lost in Translation." What's a girl got to do to get some respect? Do Shakespeare, Cammie -- it worked for Gwynnie. (IMDB)

The whole world is gearing up for the new TV season that starts now, but I'm still sighing over the final summer episode of "Sex and the City." It still makes me laugh and cry like nothing else. And when Mikhail Baryshnikov kissed Sarah Jessica Parker my knees buckled. You can have all the Ashtons and Justins and Johnnys and Brads. Misha, call me and we can do lunch with Frances.


-- Karen Croft

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Among the revelations in "Reagan: A Life in Letters," a collection of notes culled -- with the cooperation of wife Nancy -- from more than 5,000 penned by former President Ronald Reagan, is that he had decidedly mixed feelings about sex. "Even in marriage, I had a little guilty feeling about sex," a recently divorced Reagan wrote to a childhood friend in 1951. Then a "fine old gentlemen" who studied "primitive cultures" apparently helped him see that a little nooky was nothing to be ashamed of. "These peoples who are truly children of nature and thus of God, accept physical desire as a natural, normal appetite," Reagan wrote. (N.Y. Daily News)

Money Quote
Garry Shandling after being soul-kissed à la Britney and Madonna by newly well-paid "Everybody Loves Raymond" star Brad Garrett at the Emmy Awards: "I want to say to CBS, he's worth every nickel."


Money Quote II
Retired Gen. Wes Clark on how he might have been running for the other team -- in what he swears now was just a "humorous tweak": "I would have been a Republican if Karl Rove had returned my phone calls." (Newsweek)

Best of the Rest
Page Six: Sylvester Stallone says the fact that there's never been an arrest in connection with the murders of Biggie Smalls and Tupac Shakur is "like the JFK conspiracy to the black culture"; Sir Michael Caine says he refuses to open any mail not addressed to "Sir Michael" because "I just feel that if they don't put 'Sir' on the envelope, they don't know anything about me, so why should I open the letter?"; Chloë Sevigny on Vincent Gallo/Roger Ebert dust-up over "Brown Bunny": "I think Vincent might need to center himself a little bit."

Rush and Molloy: Quentin Tarantino on engaging in a public "war of words" with Spike Lee: "I hated it, because a celebrity feud is one of the most tasteless, trite, trivial things somebody in my position can engage in"; Barbra Streisand on her own profile: "I do have a strange face. It changes so much angle to angle."


-- Amy Reiter

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