A message from Wes

Published February 18, 2004 4:58PM (EST)

On the day after the Wisconsin primary, as Howard Dean dismantles his campaign, John Edwards plots the overthrow of a front-runner and John Kerry repeats to himself "only I've won 15 contests," you may be wondering: What's Wes Clark up to? Even if you weren't, the general sent an email to supporters today explaining what's on his itinerary, now that he's been out of the presidential race for a week.

"Today, Gert and I are flying to Los Angeles to spend the next week with Wes, Astrid, and my new grandson. During the next few weeks, I'll be reflecting a lot on all that we've done together and putting together some ideas about where we will go from here. For many of us, this was our first time to really get involved in politics. I think we all learned a lot, and I hope you feel as I do: even more inspired to do whatever it takes to build a better America. My pledge to you is to remain involved in the political process. And I ask you to do the same, because there is just too much at stake this election."

We'll be hearing from Clark again, soon, he says in a postscript. "P.S. To minimize any confusion during this transition period, all communications about my future plans, fundraising, and any other official information will come directly from me." Devoted Clark fans can keep tabs on him at his Web site, too, which is still up and running.

By Geraldine Sealey

Geraldine Sealey is senior news editor at Salon.com.

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