The best "Sex" we've ever had

A collection of our favorite essays on "Sex and the City," from its highs to its lows.

Published February 19, 2004 9:55PM (EST)

From its inky origins in Candace Bushnell's New York Observer columns, to its sometimes even dirtier run on HBO, you've alternately loved, hated, been moved to tears by or maybe grown sick to death of it. So have we! Below is a list of our favorite "Sex and the City" essays during the last eight years to help you sort out how you really feel about it before -- and after -- it's consigned to the DVD bin of history.

Aug. 5, 1996: "Sex and the City"
Christine Muhlke reviews Candace Bushnell's book "Sex and the City."

June 14, 1999: How Sarah got her groove back
In HBO's voyeuristic treat "Sex and the City," Sarah Jessica Parker finally gets a role fit for a comedy goddess.
By Joyce Millman

Aug. 21, 2001: Sex, the city and the price of freedom
In the latest whirling, surprising season of "Sex and the City," our four heroines get what they (think they) want.
By Joyce Millman


Jan. 10, 2001: Prisoners of sex, prisoners of the state
In "Sex and the City" and "Oz," environment trumps nature and nurture.
By Carina Chocano

July 19, 2002: Educational television
If I watch "Sex and the City" with my teenage daughter we end up discussing important subjects like vibrators, blow jobs -- and the female point of view.
By Stephanie Lehmann

Nov. 14, 2002: My "Sex and the City" bus tour from hell
It was supposed to be feminist, fun and empowering. Then my fellow fans started hooting at strange men.
By Ashley Nelson

June 20, 2003: The trouble with Carrie
Sarah Jessica Parker has spoiled the delicate chemistry of "Sex and the City" by turning her once-flawed character into a boring uptown bombshell -- and by refusing to get naked.
By Stephanie Zacharek


Aug. 13, 2003: One is the toniest number
New books by two women behind Carrie Bradshaw and her "Sex and the City" cohorts offer more tales of the upscale single girl in the big city. Have they captured an American archetype -- or created an annoying cartoon?
By Heather Havrilesky

Feb. 19, 2004: Let us now praise Charlotte York Goldenblatt
Kristin Davis' deceptively sweet "Sex and the City" character has turned out to be the most intriguing -- and sexiest -- one of all.
By Stephanie Zacharek

By Salon Staff

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