John Edwards has been jonesing for a one-on-one with John Kerry. Now, ABCNEWS' The Note says: "And build your weekend around this -- in an exclusive, this Sunday morning on 'This Week with George Stephanopoulos,' get what every Democratic voter deserves and every political and media insider wants to see: John Kerry and John Edwards talking about the issues. No process, no polls, no 'who wants to be whose running mate?' Just the issues."
"You'll see this nowhere else: the two men will explain in depth their views and plans for America on the big issues: jobs and taxes, trade, health care, Iraq, and the war against terror. Kerry-Edwards, head-to-head. Check your local listings for times."
(Update: Perhaps The Note meant "back-to-back." The Hotline says Kerry and Edwards will appear in separate interviews. Not quite as exciting, but still.)
(Update-update: The real Sunday morning news may be made on Meet the Press, anyway, as Ralph Nader plans to make his intentions known, and signs point to an independent run.)