Bush's credibility gap

Published April 5, 2004 8:56PM (EDT)

Here's another poll showing Bush's credibility sliding. It doesn't appear to be online yet, but here's the text:

"Facing a serious credibility gap, President Bush's approval rating in California has taken a sharp turn downward in the past three months, and it is now in negative territory, even in the most conservative portions of the state where he was riding high in January. The president's overall approval rating now stands at 38 percent and his disapproval at 50 percent -- a formidable reversal of fortune from January when Bush enjoyed an approval rating of 49% and disapproval of 40 percent among Californians."

"Moreover, Bush's ratings on his handling of the economy and Iraq are even more negative: 35-53 percent on the economy and 36-54 percent on Iraq. Underlying the president's problem among Californians is the perception -- by a margin of 48-42 percent -- that they cannot believe that what Bush tells the American people is true."


"The findings are part of the California Consumer Confidence Survey produced by the Survey and Policy Research Institute at San Jose State University, which questioned 1,023 California adults March 29-April 2. The margin of error in the survey is plus or minus 3 percent."

By Geraldine Sealey

Geraldine Sealey is senior news editor at Salon.com.

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