A National Review Online article linked on the Bush-Cheney campaign's official web log has liberal bloggers up in arms today. A post about first-responders supporting Bush showcases the article by Jack Dunphy, a police officer for the president. Here's a particularly enlightened section of the piece: "Generally speaking, the likelihood that a firefighter will vote for John Kerry is inversely proportional to the number of fires he has actually fought. Witness all those T-shirted 'Fire Fighters for Kerry' you saw at the convention. A little soft around the middle some of them were, weren't they? Do you think some of them could haul a hose pack up 50 flights of stairs? I'm not betting on it. I'm guessing the only fires many of them have seen lately were at IAFF barbecues."
Still a uniter?
Published August 4, 2004 10:22PM (EDT)
By Stephen W. Stromberg
Stephen W. Stromberg is a former editorial fellow at Salon.
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