Wondering who's winning? At the halfway mark, pro-Kerry bloggers were thrilled with their candidate's debate performance. At Atrios, the regulars were feasting on the observation "The Rolling of Eyes is the New 'Sighs'" -- a reference to Bush's strange cutaway-camera eyerolling this year, which was as off-putting as Al Gore's sighs four years ago. Likewise at Daily Kos posters concluded that Kerry seemed more comfortable and prepared than Bush. "Holy shit, [Bush is] winging it, and it's painful," declared Kos. "Can't take my eyes away from THIS trainwreck," kvelled one poster. Stay tuned.
Halfway through, pro-Kerry bloggers are very happy
By Joan Walsh
Published October 1, 2004 2:04AM (EDT)

By Joan Walsh
Joan Walsh is the author of "What's the Matter With White People: Finding Our Way in the Next America."
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