Tuesday's must-reads

Published October 5, 2004 1:34PM (EDT)

USA Today: Cheney vs. Edwards could be a historic moment; it's a vice presidential debate that actually matters.

Reuters: Halliburton to play a special role at VP debate tonight; Edwards expected to invoke name of Cheney's former company as example of "cronyism."

AFP: Attempting to stop his slide in the polls, Bush uncharacteristically changes his Wednesday schedule to add a "significant speech" on terrorism and the economy.

Knight-Ridder: CIA report ordered by Dick Cheney "undercuts the White House's claim that Saddam Hussein maintained ties to al-Qaida, saying there's no conclusive evidence that the regime harbored Osama bin Laden associate Abu Musab al-Zarqawi."

Washington Post: Et tu Paul Bremer? Former U.S. official who governed Iraq after invasion says administration made major mistakes not deploying enough troops and not containing violence and looting after Saddam Hussein's fall.

By Geraldine Sealey

Geraldine Sealey is senior news editor at Salon.com.

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