Morning after must-reads

Published October 14, 2004 12:59PM (EDT)

Washington Post: David Broder says Bush didn't slump or scowl in Tempe last night , so it was an improvement over his previous performances -- but Kerry was unruffled and has the momentum going into the final 19 days of the campaign.

New York Times: Todd Purdum says the debates were unique because they mattered -- and they were not shining moments for Bush, who appeared in "three guises: impatient, even rattled at times during the first debate, angry and aggressive in the second, sunny and optimistic last night." Kerry turned in "a consistent set of assertive, collected performances."

Los Angeles Times: After a wide-ranging third debate relatively free of memorable moments, Ron Brownstein says the race appears to be in a virtual dead heat.

Boston Globe: Kerry has yet another plan! Kerry campaign election-closing strategery will focus on seven swing states over the next week, and will send thousands of volunteers and hundreds of surrogates (including Clintons) to 21 states. Dick Cheney's favorite fact-checking site (this one will not redirect you to George Soros' page) takes on the truth-mangling in Tempe.

AP: On the trail post-Tempe, Lynne Cheney says John Kerry's mention of her daughter Mary in last night's debate was a "cheap and tawdry political trick." Her husband hasn't mentioned it yet.

By Geraldine Sealey

Geraldine Sealey is senior news editor at

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