Two new national polls today give Bush a lead. The Los Angeles Times shows Bush with the slightest of leads among likely voters, 49-48, and has the candidates tied at 47 each among registered voters.
Gallup is calling it 51-46 for Bush among likely voters, and 49-47 among all registered voters.
In national likely-voter tracking polls, TIPP looks the most favorable for Bush, putting him up 48-41. Zogby has Bush ahead 47-45, the Washington Post has Kerry by a 49-48 margin, and Rasmussen gives the Democratic ticket 48 to the Republicans' 46.
Today's state polls aren't great news for Kerry. The last four nonpartisan Ohio polls show Kerry down between 1 and 4 points, and the last six Florida polls are split: Kerry is up in 1, tied in 2, and down in 3. In Minnesota, however, Zogby says KE '04 has increased its lead to 5 points, 48-43.