The Drudge Report has become the portal for all the last minute smears and scares the GOP is trying to use against John Kerry. Last week it was tipsy Teresa Heinz Kerry, and this week its "Azzam the American," the kaffiyahed terrorist whos been caught on tape warning a terror attack "could come at any moment" and "the streets of America will run red with blood."
ABC News aired the tape Thursday, after Drudge claimed the network was suppressing it out of a pro-Kerry bias. (ABC said it was waiting for U.S. officials to authenticate the tape.) Drudge made it sound like Azzams promised attack would be retribution for re-electing Bush and Cheney next week, but thats not on the tape; apparently were already guilty for electing them the first time (Note to Azzam: We didnt.)
But its hard to see how the tape helps or hurts Kerry anyway. All we can say is this: Drudge has Azzam, but Kerry has Bruce Springsteen. Another bad day for Team Bush.