Bruce Springsteen just wrapped up his second campaign appearance of the day -- a huge outdoor rally that drew 35,000 to the grounds of Ohio State University in Columbus.
War Room grabbed a seat on a riser backstage, where Springsteen and his wife, Patty Scialfa , chilled with Sen. John Glenn and his wife, Annie. Springsteen bowed to Glenn and saluted him and said it was a "real honor" to meet him. As the octogenarian senator walked to the stage to introduce Spingsteen, he pointed at The Boss and played a little air guitar.
Springsteen played "The Promised Land" and "No Surrender," and he gave much the same speech that he delivered earlier in the day in Wisconsin. Off in the distance, a few Bush protestors shouted "four more years." Up close, people held signs that said "5 More Days."