If you're still smarting from Nov. 2nd, now you can take out your partisan frustrations while doing your holiday shopping. Buy Blue -- whose motto is "Have a blue Christmas!" -- unpacks the political contributions of retailers from Costco and Foot Locker to K-Mart and Circuit City. So while you may be excited about the big-time bargains at Wal-Mart, you better skip the retail juggernaut (more than $2 million donated to Bush-Cheney in the last election cycle) if you voted for Kerry. Likewise, your Bush-backing great aunt never needs to know that the J. Crew sweater you got her this year helped subsidize the Democrats.
Dreaming of a blue Christmas?
Published December 10, 2004 11:10PM (EST)

By Katharine Mieszkowski
Katharine Mieszkowski is a senior writer for Salon.
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