I like the ponderous quality of this dirge-y minor-key rock song, the extra bloat and ballast of music made by a band that, while laying back at the moment, likes to play very heavy and very loud. Dead Meadow is a D.C. band with a thing for Sabbath and Led Zep, and there's a touch of sludge in even their most pop-oriented numbers. Most contemporary indie bands approach classic rock of this bombastic sort with tongue firmly in cheek, but when Dead Meadow pull out the wah-wah pedals for the extended psych jam outro, one senses a refreshing lack of irony.
Daily Download: "At Her Open Door," Dead Meadow, from "Feathers"
Very heavy, very loud and with a refreshing lack of irony.
By Salon Staff
Published March 9, 2005 8:01AM (EST)

By Salon Staff
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