The press release for Sam Prekop's new record, "Who's Your New Professor," states, amusingly, that he "set out to make a record that was completely different from both his previous solo album and his Sea and Cake material, and he succeeded fantastically." Ha! The differences between this record and Prekop's past work as a solo artist and as the leader of the Sea and Cake are such that they might register with connoisseurs, like Krug Grand Cuvée vs. Dom Perignon, but for everyone else, it's essentially indistinguishable. The casual fan will most likely have a simple reaction of "Ah! Champagne." Very fine champagne. Rarely have artist and beverage been so perfectly aligned. Prekop's music is bubbly and effervescent, slight but refined, made for warm weather and carefree times, and while experts may go on about its elusive subtleties, in the end it's just fun to listen to (or drink), and nearly everyone enjoys it. "Somewhere" is one of his loveliest songs yet, with some fluid, polyrhythmic drumming by Chad Taylor and a great outro horn arrangement by Rob Mazurek, both of the Chicago Underground.
Daily Download: "Something," Sam Prekop
Salon exclusive download of a sparkling song from the Sea and Cake's singer.
By Salon Staff
Published March 25, 2005 8:01AM (EST)

By Salon Staff
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