A recent episode of "South Park" revolved around a Chinese singer, Wing, whom the boys take on as a client in their quest to become a high-powered talent agency. The episode is interspersed with Wing's performances of "Dancing Queen" and other hits, sung in a squeaky, high voice with heavily accented English pronunciation and woozily unsteady phrasing. The character seems much too random to have been invented by the "South Park" boys, and indeed, she does really exist. You can visit her Web site here. It seems she's something of a William Hung-style novelty celeb in New Zealand, where she currently resides. Astonishingly, full access to her Web site is available only by subscription ($3.95 buys you membership, five free downloads, the ability to stream all of her music for free, and access to members-only forums). My journalistic curiosity does not extend so far as to actually dish out some cash for the privilege of listening to Wing's entire oeuvre, but on this page those with a casual interest can stream clips of a number of her songs (including every track off of her latest, and ninth, CD, "Dancing Queen by Wing") for free, which, I promise you, is more than enough to soak in her artistry.
The sounds of "South Park"
Wing, the Chinese singer featured on a recent episode of "South Park," is all too real.
By Salon Staff
Published April 5, 2005 5:10PM (EDT)
