Previews of the White Stripes' upcoming "Get Behind Me Satan," due in early June, invariably mention that it was recorded in "just" 20 days. Why that should be in any way impressive, given the band's two-person roster, stripped-down sound and far from perfectionist aesthetic, is beyond me. "Blue Orchid," the first single, was released online two weeks ago and debuted in the top 10 on the download chart. It's classic White Stripes: sweaty, simple blues rock, delivered in a semi-absurd shrieking falsetto (think Jack Black metal voice). But it is not a song that is going to build up the kind of crazed anticipation for the new record that "Seven Nation Army" (surely one of the great bass lines of our time, whatever else you think of this band) did for 2003's "Elephant." Don't bother with "Blue Orchid" unless you're already a fan.
The White Stripes' "Blue Orchid"
The new single from the White Stripes isn't in the same league as "Seven Nation Army."
By Salon Staff
Published May 2, 2005 4:27PM (EDT)

By Salon Staff
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