As most of you probably already know, because major publicity hay has been made out of it, Stevie Wonder's new music video, "So What the Fuss," has been released in two versions, one a traditional music video, the other accompanied by a narration by Busta Rhymes for the blind and sight impaired. You may not have had a chance to see the videos, though, and they're now available online in streaming versions (traditional: Real Player, Windows Media Player; with commentary: Real Player, Windows Media Player). I honestly can't imagine that it could be particularly pleasurable to simply listen to Busta Rhymes talking over the song, describing the scene as it unfolds ... but I have to concede that Stevie Wonder would know better than I would on this one. The song, which features En Vogue on backing vocals and Prince on guitar, is actually remarkably similar in tone to Prince's comeback last year, "Musicology": a soul funk jam, more or less recycled from glory days past, but still superior to legions of imitators.
Stevie Wonder's new music video
"So What the Fuss," with audio commentary for the blind by Busta Rhymes.
By Salon Staff
Published May 16, 2005 6:32PM (EDT)