Contrary to expectation, Republican gubernatorial candidate Dino Rossi, who had his case contesting Washington state's 2004 election results thrown out of court on Monday, announced that he doesn't plan to appeal the judge's ruling. Rossi gave a pretty classy concession speech, wishing winner and governor Christine Gregoire good luck, and touting the importance of election reform. But he still managed to get in a dig at the state's judiciary: "Because of the political makeup of the Washington state Supreme Court, which makes it almost impossible to overturn this ruling, I am ending the election contest," Rossi said in a press conference.
Win some, lose some
Washington state can now rest its case with current Democratic Governor Christine Gregoire.
Published June 7, 2005 8:21PM (EDT)

By Page Rockwell
Page Rockwell is Salon's editorial project manager.
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