Move on over, Forrest Gump. "Deep Throat has a book deal and a movie deal, and he could end up being played by Tom Hanks," reports today's Washington Post. "The family of 91-year-old W. Mark Felt, who revealed his role as The Washington Post's key Watergate source two weeks ago, has chosen PublicAffairs Books to publish a combination of autobiography and biography, publisher and CEO Peter Osnos said last night. Osnos said that Universal Pictures has optioned Felt's life story and the book for a movie to be developed by Hanks's production company, Playtone."
Following the money trail
Move over, Forrest Gump, Deep Throat is next.
By Mark Follman
Published June 16, 2005 1:06PM (EDT)

By Mark Follman
Mark Follman is Salon's deputy news editor. Read his other articles here.
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