Whom will Fitzgerald charge? It's everyone's guess

The workday's just about over in Washington, and no indictments have been issued.

Published October 25, 2005 10:33PM (EDT)

Reuters reported earlier this week that special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald might "give notice" as early as Monday to any Bush administration officials he planned to indict and then announce their indictments Tuesday. With Washington headed home for the night, that schedule -- if it ever was the schedule -- seems not to have held. Now it's time for others to offer their predictions.

According to Think Progress, CBS News will report tonight that its sources say that Fitzgerald will make his charging decisions known Wednesday -- and that there will be indictments. More speculation from CBS: While Karl Rove and Scooter Libby are in jeopardy, Fitzgerald believes that someone else -- maybe a person outside the White House -- was responsible for much of the leaking that went on.

Meanwhile, blogger Steve Clemons, a senior fellow at the New America Foundation, checks in with his own prognostication. Citing an "uber-insider source," Clemons says that Fitzgerald's grand jury will issue between one and five indictments -- probably more rather than fewer -- and that the targets of those indictments have already been notified. Clemons' source says that Fitzgerald will hold a press conference on Thursday.

Stay tuned.

By Tim Grieve

Tim Grieve is a senior writer and the author of Salon's War Room blog.

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