"This can't be happening!"

As part of our 10th anniversary, TT is highlighting the posts that defined our decade. This week -- a life-changing morning we watched together.

Published November 3, 2005 10:45PM (EST)

News and the Media Attic

Planes Fly Directly Into World Trade Center

crabgrass baby - 05:07 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001

This is happening as I type this ... what the hell?!?

this is insane

It seems that two large jets have flown directly into the world trade center towers. the impact is such as to cause the towers to actually lean. both towers are now smoking with plane debris falling from them

this is unbelievable

Kristina C. - 05:26 pm Pacific Time - Mar 21, 2002 - #5 of 10559

Holy shit. It's like a scene from a disaster movie.

crabgrass baby - 05:11 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #6 of 10559

the second plane seems to have been a 737

there is actual footage of the second plane hitting the building

cheri desalvo - 05:15 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #8 of 10559

I just saw it and I'm sick.

crabgrass baby - 05:15 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #9 of 10559

the FBI is investigating a hijacking

Lucy Cat - 05:16 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #10 of 10559


Grace Newton - 05:21 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #11 of 10559

But terriorists from where? Middle East or against IMF? - Not that it makes any difference to the poor people caught in those burning buildings.

Fredda Weinberg - 05:22 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #12 of 10559

They've closed tunnels and commuter service to New Jersey.

JackieWebber - 05:24 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #13 of 10559

Is there any possibility that it was too early for there to have been people in the towers? Yes, I'm hearing the report as I type that there were people in the buildings.

Fredda Weinberg - 05:24 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #14 of 10559

9 AM ... early, but there will be casualties.

Laura C. - 05:25 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #15 of 10559

I was hoping that. But there are a lot of law firms and banking offices there. They start early. The radio is citing an AP report of a plane being hijacked out of Newark.

Fredda Weinberg - 05:29 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #17 of 10559

40,000 people work in those towers. But they were well built. The fires appear to be contained ...

Laura C. - 05:31 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #18 of 10559

I found myself thinking "at least they probably have really good evacuation procedures." After last time.

crabgrass baby - 05:31 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #19 of 10559

of course the obvious suspect would have to be Osama bin Laden

Ron Newman - 05:34 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #20 of 10559

AP radio on local NPR station says it's an American Airlines Boeing 767.

crabgrass baby - 05:35 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #21 of 10559

Anerican Airlines Flt 11 was hijacked going from Boston to L.A. and was diverted to JFK and then veered off into the WTC

Amy Ballentine - 05:35 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #22 of 10559

CNN said the 767 was out of Boston.

James Tussey - 05:36 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #23 of 10559

BBC is reporting that two planes were hijacked out of Boston this morning.

Ron Newman - 05:36 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #24 of 10559

local NPR station keeps switching between BBC, AP Network News, and NPR.

crabgrass baby - 05:37 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #25 of 10559

could there be another plane coming?

Kristina C. - 05:38 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #26 of 10559

They've shut down the NYC airports. But who's to say something won't happen in another city? Shit.

Ron Newman - 05:38 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #27 of 10559

crabgrass: Not the only obvious suspect, though. What about Palestinians?

StephenA - 05:38 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #28 of 10559

How will Bush handle this, his first real crisis?

Ron Newman - 05:39 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #29 of 10559

Hearing that the plane originated in Boston makes me feel very uneasy as I prepare to go to work.

MECowan - 05:39 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #30 of 10559

Oh, dear God. But why automatically assume the Middle East? That was the first assumption about the Oklahoma City bombing. That one turned out to be home-grown gun nuts. This one could be the same folks who brought us the Nuremberg Files web site.

James Tussey - 05:39 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #31 of 10559

I can't imagine the Palestinians being behind this. If it turns out they are, the US drops the leash on Israel and lets them go, and Yasser Arafat's back hiding in the desert.

Grace Newton - 05:39 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #32 of 10559

Oh God, those people on the planes. I don't believe in the death penalty but it's hard right now to convince myself whoever did this hideous act shouldn't die in return.

James Tussey - 05:40 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #33 of 10559

As I type that, report that a Palestinian group has claimed responsibility.

Kristina C. - 05:40 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #34 of 10559

They're reporting a possible explosion at the Pentagon.

crabgrass baby - 05:40 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #35 of 10559

Not the only obvious suspect, though. What about Palestinians?

certainly ... but Bin Laden has a history with this building.

Ron Newman - 05:41 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #36 of 10559

Local report: Logan Airport in Boston has been closed.

An airplane has plowed into the Pentagon too ?!?!?

MECowan - 05:42 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #38 of 10559

How will Bush handle this, his first real crisis?

That's a trick question, right? He'll offer a few incredibly banal platitudes, then tell us that this is exactly why we need a missile shield.

And dear God, he'll use it as an excuse to eliminate the First Amendment.

crabgrass baby - 05:42 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #39 of 10559

there are reports of a fire at the Pentagon

Fredda Weinberg - 05:43 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #40 of 10559

Bush baby already made his statement. "This won't stand," folks ...

Ron Newman - 05:43 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #41 of 10559

I'd like to know who we're about to be at war with.

MECowan - 05:43 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #42 of 10559

As I type that, report that a Palestinian group has claimed responsibility.

Anybody can claim to be a Palestinian group. If there is a Middle East tie-in, it could just as easily be followers of the late and unlamented Meir Kahan, trying to get the U.S. to let Israel slip the leash.

Lucy Cat - 05:43 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #43 of 10559

Now the Pentagon is on fire.

crabgrass baby - 05:43 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #44 of 10559

large fire at the Pentagon

Grace Newton - 05:44 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #45 of 10559

Local DC TV news reporting an explosion at the Pentagon, so it looks like you're right. Smoke billowing from near the heliport next to the Pentagon and reports that the White House is being evacuated. come on, Bush, raise the fucking missile shield.

James Tussey - 05:44 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #46 of 10559

A bomb went off outside the Pentagon. The group claiming responsibility is the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

crabgrass baby - 05:44 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #47 of 10559

reports of the White House being evacuated

Douglas Wiken - 05:44 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #48 of 10559

Fire confirmed at the pentagon. Parts of it being evacuated.

Ron Newman - 05:45 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #49 of 10559

The White House is being evacuated !!!!

Grace Newton - 05:45 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #50 of 10559

Unconfirmed reports that the fire next to the Pentagon is also a plane crash.

Ruby Gospel - 05:46 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #51 of 10559

You guys keep posting -- lots of us are stuck at work with no radio or tv -- web sites are jammed.

crabgrass baby - 05:46 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #52 of 10559

explosion in D.C. area

MECowan - 05:46 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #53 of 10559

The group claiming responsibility is the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Proof that extremists are insane. If the claim is valid. This is the worst thing they could do to promote their cause. They want to be wiped off the planet? Has it occurred to anybody else that this is the perfect way to start the war that Bush needs to divert people from his total incompetence?

James Tussey - 05:47 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #54 of 10559

Report: both an American Airlines and a United Airlines flight were hijacked out of Boston. Both were loaded with passengers.

Bush is in Florida.

cheri desalvo - 05:47 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #55 of 10559

Yes, ME that has occurred to me.


crabgrass baby - 05:47 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #56 of 10559

reports of an eyewitness seeing the tail end of a plane crashing into the Pentagon

MECowan - 05:47 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #57 of 10559

"Both were loaded with passengers."

Jesus wept.

James Tussey - 05:47 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #58 of 10559

New report -- it was a small plane that crashed into the Pentagon.

Jen - 05:48 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #59 of 10559

Oh god. I remember being at home the day the Challenger exploded and thinking that the world would never be quite the same again. Here I am at home sick again and this time feeling like this really may be the end of everything familiar. It really is like something from a movie. Like the beginning of the nuclear war fantasies we had in grade school.

DH just went off to work in downtown Chicago. I'm doing these mental calculations about how close he is to the major buildings and how close it is to 9:00 a.m. My office is in the same building with the Israeli consulate.

Mary Beth - 05:49 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #60 of 10559

Felt the World Trade Center blast here in south Brooklyn this morning. My stepfather works in there. No contact yet. Please think of us.

Grace Newton - 05:49 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #61 of 10559

Just came across the News, evacuating the West Wing of the White House and the US Capitol. Please remember, they would do this as a precaution.

My prayers are with you, Mary Beth, hang on.

dsfromnj - 05:49 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #63 of 10559

Now reports of fire on the Mall in D.C. too?

crabgrass baby - 05:50 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #64 of 10559

FAA shut down all airport take-offs around the country

cheri desalvo - 05:50 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #65 of 10559

Mary Beth, you have my prayers

JackieWebber - 05:50 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #66 of 10559

Where is the CIA in all of this ???? I hate having the kind of thoughts I'm having at this moment.

crabgrass baby - 05:50 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #67 of 10559

I can't confirm if D.C. area fire is the Pentagon or something else

Grace Newton - 05:51 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #68 of 10559

One local DC newscaster thinks he saw a large plane tail section in the heliport where the Pentagon fire is located.

James Tussey - 05:51 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #69 of 10559

The NYSE has suspended trading as well. And I'd also amplify that the evacuation of the White House, the Capitol, etc. is probably SOP in a case like this, and is no indication that they know anything's coming.

cheri desalvo - 05:51 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #70 of 10559

Jackie, somebody was fucking sleeping on the job, that's for sure.

Fredda Weinberg - 05:51 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #71 of 10559

Bush listing whom he called ... first on his list? The vice president.

Grace Newton - 05:51 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #72 of 10559

crabgrass, Pentagon fire is said to be outside in the heliport. Will try to confirm.

dsfromnj - 05:51 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #73 of 10559

Mary Beth, I'm with you -- trying to reach my sister-in-law. My brother's a consultant who works down by WTC.

James Tussey - 05:51 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #74 of 10559

All airports in the US are closed for the time being now.

MECowan - 05:52 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #75 of 10559

Mary Beth, thinking of you and your family. Let us know what you find out. If it's good news, we'll cheer with you. If not -- it's easier shared.

Ron Newman - 05:52 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #76 of 10559

Oh God, Mary Beth, I'm praying for him now.

crabgrass baby - 05:52 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #77 of 10559

SS received credible threat against WH

JackieWebber - 05:53 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #78 of 10559

Mary Beth, and any others with family/friends who may be involved in the area: Many prayers for you and yours.

MECowan - 05:54 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #79 of 10559

Jackie: I hate having the kind of thoughts I'm having at this moment.

I'm thinking it's a perfect fucking excuse to declare nationwide martial law.

Grace Newton - 05:54 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #80 of 10559

Couple reporting over DC news that they saw a 757 crash into the heliport next to the Pentagon. reports now says west side of the Pentagon building was hit and did substain damage and it was a 757 that hit.

dsfromnj - 05:55 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #81 of 10559

I can't get through to anyone on the east coast. Mary Beth -- do you have phone service? I can't even seem to get through to NJ & my sister, let alone NYC & my bro's office - or my SIL on LI.

Ron Newman - 05:55 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #82 of 10559

The State Dept. is being evacuated.

karen lamb - 05:55 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #83 of 10559

Mary Beth I'm stunned but will keep you in my heart today.

Kristina C. - 05:55 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #84 of 10559

This is surreal.

Mary Beth - 05:56 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #85 of 10559

Thanks, everybody. My mother is obviously a wreck. So, come to think of it, am I.

Fredda Weinberg - 05:56 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #86 of 10559

Transmitters have been hit. Some phones are out.

Kristina C. - 05:56 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #87 of 10559

Thinking of you, Mary Beth.

Grace Newton - 05:56 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #88 of 10559

Oh God, I just remembered, our youngest son is working in Northern Virginia today -- Fairfax is far enough away that he should be okay. I'll expect him home sometime tomorrow, 'tho.

Phyl Good - 05:57 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #89 of 10559

Mary Beth, we're all with you. We're with all our friends in New York.

JackieWebber - 05:57 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #91 of 10559

Maia, yes. I am really hesitant to totally express what is presently being processed in my brain, but it is a very ugly picture of possibilities.

Beorc - 05:57 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #92 of 10559

Sorry to hear of it MB ... Strength to you and your Mom ... If it's any small comfort, think of the numbers who are getting out, and imagine him helping them along as he makes his way out too...

James Tussey - 05:58 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #93 of 10559

A senior official of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine denies responsibility now.

Dreamweasel - 05:58 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #94 of 10559

Good Lord. What the hell is happening?

Elizabeth Barrett - 05:58 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #95 of 10559

There is little phone service here. I can't get through to anyone, including cell phones. My dad works in that area. I know he's ok, but I'd still like to talk to him. Hear his voice

Julie St. John - 05:58 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #96 of 10559

Don't feel alone, Jackie. I'm waiting for martial law to be declared.

P Glass - 05:58 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #97 of 10559

Passenger lists? Any targeted passengers?

MECowan - 05:59 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #98 of 10559

James Tussey: A senior official of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine denies responsibility now.

It would be the stupidest move in the history of the world for a Palestinian group to have done this. Bin Laden, yes. He's got nothing to lose. But the Palestinians can't afford to turn the U.S. into outright enemies.

Ron Newman - 05:59 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #99 of 10559

Fairfax is literally a county away from the Pentagon, so he'll be OK.

James Tussey - 05:59 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #100 of 10559

The World Trade Center is loaded with cell phone towers. Of course cell phone service in NYC is going to be affected. We need to calm down a bit.

crabgrass baby - 05:59 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #101 of 10559

huge explosion in second tower of WTC

Fredda Weinberg - 06:00 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #102 of 10559

One of the towers has collapsed!!!

Kristina C. - 06:00 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #103 of 10559

A chunk of the WTC just fell off.

crabgrass baby - 06:00 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #104 of 10559

the smoke is covering many blocks around the buildings

MECowan - 06:00 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #105 of 10559

The phone network and the news web sites are probably deluged right now. If you tried to get through and couldn't, it's probably a surfeit of traffic.

crabgrass baby - 06:01 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #106 of 10559

South tower may be collapsing

James Tussey - 06:01 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #107 of 10559

There's some indication that the World Trade Centers will have to come down because the damage is so extensive.

Fredda Weinberg - 06:02 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #108 of 10559

It's the end of the world as we know it

Kristina C. - 06:02 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #109 of 10559/

I hope they got the Towers fully evacuated.

crabgrass baby - 06:02 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #110 of 10559

there is indication that it's coming down by itself

MECowan - 06:02 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #111 of 10559

Get the people out first get the people out first get the people out first get the people out first please God get the people out first.

Kristina C. - 06:03 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #112 of 10559

It is. This is one of those moments that changes things completely. Life will never be the same.

crabgrass baby - 06:03 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #113 of 10559

my god...the billows of smoke are covering the city

Jane Plane - 06:03 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #114 of 10559

Mary Beth, I'm thinking of you. Jen, from many posts ago, I feel the same way. Thank you to all who keep posting.

rjmerck - 06:03 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #115 of 10559

Did you guys hear about the Pentagon yet? The explosion rattled the windows of my HOUSE.

James Tussey - 06:04 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #116 of 10559

It's not the end of the world. I do think it's probably the end of the Palestinian Authority, however.

crabgrass baby - 06:04 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #117 of 10559

Sears Tower in Chicago is being evacuated

StephenA - 06:04 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #118 of 10559

Oh, Mary Beth...

Ron Newman - 06:05 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #119 of 10559

rjmerck: where are you? how far from the Pentagon?

StephenA - 06:05 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #120 of 10559

Any news out of Israel?

Phoenix Woman - 06:05 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #121 of 10559

Felt the World Trade Center blast here in south Brooklyn this morning. My stepfather works in there. No contact yet. Please think of us. We are, Mary Beth.

I'm thinking it's a perfect fucking excuse to declare nationwide martial law. Just last night, Joel Swadesh and I were discussing how Bush's approval ratings had gone down in everything but foreign policy and education: the two areas where the effects of his incompetence weren't immediately noticeable. Well, it looks like the foreign-policy deficit has become quite noticeable, if it's true that this was an outside job (though I hear the the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine has already denied responsibility).

crabgrass baby - 06:05 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #122 of 10559

A huge chuck fell of the south tower

Nina Dee - 06:05 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #123 of 10559

I just called my sister in Chapel Hill and got her voice mail and just started crying. What is happening to us?

James Tussey - 06:05 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #124 of 10559

The south tower of the World Trade Center has just collapsed into a huge pile of rubble.

Fredda Weinberg - 06:05 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #125 of 10559

The WTC towers have been part of the NYC skyline since the 70's. No, the world will never be the same ...

Grace Newton - 06:06 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #126 of 10559

What you said, Maia, doubled, please Dear God, let all the people get out first.

James Tussey - 06:06 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #127 of 10559

Manhattan will probably be impassable for weeks.

Phoenix Woman - 06:08 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #128 of 10559

Oh, Lord.

Gitana - 06:10 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #129 of 10559

Oh my God. My God, this is real.

This can't be happening! Zep said on the phone that he just saw one of the towers collapse on TV. This cannot be happening! What is the monkey going to do?

This is unreal. I'm freaking the fuck out. I have to go and pray or something. I can't fucking believe this.

karen lamb - 06:10 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #130 of 10559

The guy on CNN just said the president can direct a war from the White House situation room because it's a bomb shelter. Are they trying to scare us to death?

James Tussey - 06:11 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #131 of 10559

I almost think at this point that thinking of this in terms of an act of war on the US is only prudent thinking.

Debbie L. Ray - 06:11 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #132 of 10559

all of you, please take care today. I just want to be with my family. bless all of you. Fredda's right, the world will never be the same.

Jane Plane - 06:11 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #133 of 10559

I regretfully agree, James.

crabgrass baby - 06:11 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #134 of 10559

the south tower appears to be gone

Phoenix Woman - 06:11 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #135 of 10559

Thing is, this probably involved fewer than ten people. How is Star Wars supposed to fight this?

StephenA - 06:11 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #136 of 10559

There will be screams for an immediate response. For whatever good we can do, we must counsel calm, wait until we know things. Remember the outcry against the Middle Ease in the wake of Oklahoma City?

Phyl Good - 06:11 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #137 of 10559

I don't even dare express my opinion of Bush and how the world has deteriorated as a result of his regime in the last few months. If he were in the same room as me right now, he would be dead.

Ron Newman - 06:12 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #138 of 10559

TV news shows only one WTC tower standing, with huge billows of smoke coming from its top.

James Tussey - 06:12 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #139 of 10559

I'd say more than ten people did this. It shouldn't be that difficult to figure out who did it; this is a fairly major undertaking.

dsfromnj - 06:12 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #140 of 10559

So did any of you hear the report of people JUMPING out of WTC minutes before the collapse?

StephenA - 06:12 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #141 of 10559

Reports... explosion at the Capitol building... only a rumor right now...

Fredda Weinberg - 06:12 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #142 of 10559

Yes, crabgrass, one tower collapsed internally.

AndreaCG - 06:13 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #143 of 10559

We've been blessed in the USA to have never felt on our soil the ravages of war in such fashion since the Civil War. Never once on our mainland since the advent of airplanes and nuclear bombs. We've been blessed.

I don't know who the terrorists are, or who funds them. I would not be surprised, in the serpentine shadowy beginnings, to find Bush money and cronies involved.

Is this the precursor to martial law that George W. Bush has expressed hope for - things would be easier if this was a dictatorship, as long as I'm dictator - were his words, were they not? Someone here will quote it exactly, while they can.

paigeb - 06:13 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #144 of 10559

New report of an explosion at the Capitol.

Fredda Weinberg - 06:13 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #145 of 10559

If you can give blood today, it will be needed.

crabgrass baby - 06:13 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #146 of 10559

reports of fire on the mall in D.C.

Stacy C. - 06:14 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #147 of 10559

Heavenly God.

Phoenix Woman - 06:14 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #148 of 10559

Good idea, Fredda. I'm A-positive.

Bonnie S. - 06:14 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #149 of 10559

Well, we have pissed most of the world off this administration. We did it in Tripoli and have been bombing Iran or daily for years.

James Tussey - 06:15 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #150 of 10559

I would like to call a moratorium on conspiracy theories for now. This is just too much to comprehend at this point.

Ron Newman - 06:15 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #151 of 10559

the TV is showing rubble pouring out of the Pentagon, live.

crabgrass baby - 06:16 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #152 of 10559

let's try to leave this thread for the news itself...at least for now

Fiona P. - 06:17 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #153 of 10559

For those with no access to the news (and all the news websites are down), please do keep posting updates as they happen. Even though it all feels like a bad dream.

Phoenix Woman - 06:17 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #154 of 10559

What we know, so far:

-- two planes, hijacked from Logan in Boston, crashed into both WTC towers.

-- the south WTC tower is GONE.

-- the Pentagon is on fire, having been hit by a plane.

-- the Mall may be on fire.

-- the Capitol may be hit.

-- the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine has vehe

Lyndsey - 06:18 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #155 of 10559

I would like to call a moratorium on conspiracy theories for now. This is just too much to comprehend at this point. In total agreement.

And please, TRUTH ONLY FROM WHAT YOU HEAR, NO RUMOURS. Thank you. I'm at work, no TV, no radio, and can only keep up through TT. Thanks.

James Tussey - 06:18 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #156 of 10559

Arafat has issued a statement condemning the attack, and saying the PLO had no role and is "shocked and disgusted" by it.

Ron Newman - 06:18 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #158 of 10559

looking at the live ABC TV news feed from NYC, it appears that about the top 20 floors of the remaining WTC tower were incinerated.

Kristina C. - 06:20 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #159 of 10559

I'm in Seattle... they're reporting that the Bank of America building downtown has been cleared. No idea why.

Grace Newton - 06:20 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #160 of 10559

Explosion on the Mall appears to be sonic booms from jets scrambled from Andrews Air Force Base. Reports of a large jet instead of a helicopter crashed into the Pentagon. Looks like it may have crashed where construction was going on. I'm going to have to sign off. Red has minor surgery at 11:30 at Potomac Hospital in Dale City, northern Va. He called to see if it might be called off because of needing the hospital for victims - receptionist didn't know about the Pentagon being hit - go figure.

God help all who are waiting for news from family members and keep safe all of you.

crabgrass baby - 06:21 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #161 of 10559

reports of parts of the Pentagon collapsing

Douglas Wiken - 06:21 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #162 of 10559

I think speculation that anybody in the Bush administration is involved with this is insane. It is also dangerous. To make statements like that is an unfortunate indication of your own mental state and I suggest you reevaluate those statements rather quickly.

If coordinated by any group it will probably be treated as an act of war and there will be hell to pay.

MECowan - 06:21 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #163 of 10559

Kristina, they're probably evacuating all tall, densely populated buildings. The Sears Tower in Chicago is being evacuated, too.

Where the FUCK were the CIA and FBI while all this was coming down? Too busy going after Democratic members of Congress to look for the real villains.

Douglas Wiken - 06:22 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #164 of 10559

Now the Northwest tower appears to be buckling and it may also collapse.

Ron Newman - 06:22 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #165 of 10559

they are concerned that the remaining WTC tower may be listing

Phoenix Woman - 06:22 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #166 of 10559

Listening to NPR -- they're evacuating the Pentagon. The Capitol is OK (so far), but has been evacuated.

rjmerck - 06:22 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #167 of 10559

Okay, I'm watching live local news in Washington. I'm hearing rumors of additional explosions at the Capitol and Mall, and various other locations -- but all unsubstantiated by news, and I flat-freakin guarantee you that the local news would have responded by now if the rumors about the Capital were true. Because they interrupted with the news on the Pentagon within 2 minutes of when I felt the blast here. And there are reporters on the Mall right now, so they'd be able to tell.

So right now, all we have is the WTC and the Pentagon. The Pentagon E-ring section hit by the plane has collapsed from structural damage, was the latest news here.

Jen - 06:22 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #168 of 10559

Oh god. I remember being at home the day the Challenger exploded and thinking that the world would never be quite the same again.

Here I am at home sick again and this time feeling like this really may be the end of everything familiar. It really is like something from a movie. Like the beginning of the nuclear war fantasies we had in grade school.

DH just went off to work in downtown Chicago. I'm doing these mental calculations about how close he is to the major buildings and how close it is to 9:00 a.m. My office is in the same building with the Israeli consulate.

cybrcat sunflower - 06:22 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #169 of 10559

Keep it coming, people, I'm among the folks stuck at work and can't get to any of the news websites. I really appreciate all the contributions. Goddess hold us all in her arms...

Fredda Weinberg - 06:23 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #170 of 10559

NYC's emergency response center is in the WTC. So much for the bunker mentality ...

rjmerck - 06:24 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #171 of 10559

Everything in Washington has been evacuated for all practical purposes. The White House was evacuated before the Pentagon explosion.

And I pray that there is not an immediate anti-Islamic response. I've been talking to a Muslim friend, and it horrifies me to think that this dear and beloved friend is concerned for his safety because of his religion today.

Phoenix Woman - 06:24 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #172 of 10559

Thanks, RJmerck. The Ag Building is fine (I know this, because I work for the USDA and their servers are still up and running).

akrai - 06:24 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #173 of 10559

just took the subway minutes after it happened across the manhattan bridge from brooklyn.....horrific site...the streets of nyc are in utter chaos...i'm in shock and trying to contact loved ones....

crabgrass baby - 06:24 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #174 of 10559

So did any of you hear the report of people JUMPING out of WTC minutes before the collapse? yes...at least two people were seen jumping

James Tussey - 06:25 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #175 of 10559

The report that there was an explosion at the Capital has been debunked. No explosion.

WileChile - 06:25 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #176 of 10559


MardiGras - 06:25 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #177 of 10559

Don't know if this has been mentioned but I think they hit an air traffic tower in Leesburg, VA.

Kristina C. - 06:25 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #178 of 10559

Possibility of car bomb at state department.

crabgrass baby - 06:26 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #179 of 10559

reports of a car bomb exploding outside State Dept.

Julie St. John - 06:26 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #180 of 10559

Unconfirmed report of another hijacking south of DC on NBC news.

Phoenix Woman - 06:27 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #181 of 10559

NYC's emergency response center is in the WTC. So much for the bunker mentality ...

This is precisely why Europe doesn't love big skyscrapers the way we do: they're terrorist magnets.

Fredda Weinberg - 06:28 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #182 of 10559

All subway service is now suspended in NYC. This has never happened in my lifetime ...

rjmerck - 06:28 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #183 of 10559

Yes, I'm hearing also that there's another possible hijacked plane. Car bomb at State Department.

crabgrass baby - 06:28 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #184 of 10559

concerns of the second tower coming down are high

crabgrass baby - 06:28 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #185 of 10559

the second tower is coming down now

Fredda Weinberg - 06:28 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #186 of 10559

1 WTC just collapsed as well.

Phoenix Woman - 06:28 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #187 of 10559

Fredda, how far are you from uptown? What's the situation?

StephenA - 06:29 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #188 of 10559

The other tower just collapsed.

crabgrass baby - 06:29 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #189 of 10559


Phoenix Woman - 06:29 am Pacific Time - Sep 11, 2001 - #190 of 10559

Oh, God.

All those people....

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