The Tom DeLay and Dick Cheney show

For $4,200, you can catch it, too.

Published December 5, 2005 6:36PM (EST)

We don't live in Houston, and we don't have an extra $4,200 sitting around. But if we did and if we did, we'd find it hard to resist a trip to the Westin Oaks Galleria tonight, where Vice President Dick Cheney will headline a fundraiser for indicted Texas Rep. and former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay.

To be fair, only the most expensive ticket to the fundraiser is $4,200. For that kind of money, you get an invitation to a VIP reception and the chance to have your picture taken with Cheney. For the budget-minded Republican, cheap seats are just $500.

That's still too rich for our blood, so we'll be thinking hard instead about the e-mail solicitation we received yesterday from Republican National Committee chairman Ken Mehlman. In exchange for a $25 contribution to the RNC, Mehlman will send us -- and you, too -- the 2006 Official RNC Calendar.

By Tim Grieve

Tim Grieve is a senior writer and the author of Salon's War Room blog.

MORE FROM Tim Grieve

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